Why You Need A Good Life Insurance If You Ride A Motorcycle
I ride my motorcycle regularly and as a result, my family is always fearful for my health and safety. They are aware of the number of casualties that happen on the road and as a result, they always keep telling me that I should not ride a motorcycle that often and take care.
On the contrary, at times it becomes my occupational hazard as I train people on how to ride adventure motorcycle and safe riding techniques.
With this, the only thing that comes to my mind is that How can I make my family’s future secure. Their future is secure only when I am there to support them. Another important way to secure their future is by getting the best Life Insurance for myself that guards my family when I am not there. Sometime back I started surfing for the best Life insurance plans and came across few plans from which I was considering the following benefits:
- Provides cover for my family in my absence
- It should help me with my investment plan
- There should be tax benefits
- No allocation charges
- It pays me higher than the sum assured
I also consider how I can get the benefits from Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). ULIP offers a combination of protection and investment. It offers a considerable degree of flexibility, making it well suited to the first-time investor and market expert alike. In ULIP, you invest part of the premium you pay in life cover, and part in market-linked funds, thereby helping maximize your investment.
Additionally, a term plan is what you may also choose. It can be the key protection and sustenance model in your absence providing financial care and security. One important thing question If I may ask? Do you pay your car insurance on time? Right, that is to secure your car in case some mishap happens. But you always make sure that the premium is paid on time. Similarly, you need to put yourself in the center and make yourself assured and your family secured.
When you are insured you can then ride freely and without hesitation and enjoy the moments. The moments that you spend with your family and friends and the moments that you spend with your motorcycle.
I came across Aegon Life iInvest Insurance plans. They provide these flexibilities and advantages that I was looking for.
The most important thing that I believe it matters to me with this insurance is that you can start small, and when I say small – it’s as small as 2000 rupee per month. What flexibility that you get with it is that you can then increase your investments whenever you are comfortable and on top of that you can switch your invested premiums from one fund to another. Isn’t that so cool?
So, what are you waiting for bring a smile to your family and peace in your mind with a good life insurance when you ride a motorcycle and ride with passion and pride.
Do follow the links to see what benefits I got.
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About Aegon Life:
Aegon Life Insurance Company Limited launched its pan-India operations in July 2008 with a vision to be the most recommended new age life insurance Company. Aegon is one of the world’s leading financial services organizations (providing life insurance, pension plans, and asset management) and Bennett, Coleman & Company (India’s leading media conglomerate) have come together to launch Aegon Life Insurance. This joint venture adopts a local approach with the power of global expertise to facilitate a direct to customer approach, leveraging digital platforms to bring transparent solutions to customers and to prioritize their needs.